Support Fix Punkt – Together, We Make a Difference!

Fix Punkt opened its doors on January 2, 2018. To cover our ongoing costs, we rely on donations.

Every workplace is important, as it not only gives individuals a sense of being needed but also offers them the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution.

If you would like to support our commitment, you can sponsor a workplace. The cost for one workplace is just 1 CHF. With your monthly donation, you can achieve the following:

  • With a donation of 25 CHF, you support 25 workplaces each month.

  • With a donation of 50 CHF, you support 50 workplaces each month.

We are also grateful for one-time donations and will gladly provide you with a receipt.

You can transfer your donation using the following IBAN: CH45 0900 0000 6130 8182 2, Fix Punkt, Postfinance.

Alternatively, you can scan the QR code with your TWINT app to donate directly.

We would appreciate it if you could share our cause with interested parties!

Thank you for your support!

Your Fix Punkt Team

TWINT donations

FixPunkt was delighted to donate 34 Dell computers to an orphanage and children's school supported by the Fraternidad Misionera de Cristo Crucificado in El Salvador. A big thank you to everyone involved who made this donation possible!

Contact Us for Support

Reach out to us for inquiries, support, or to learn more about our services and how we can assist you.


+41 61 511 98 21
